Monday, November 19, 2012

Car Seat

Stuck in traffic on the way to Shane and Karen's wedding. 


Cousin Blake and Kylee visting back in early Oct.  Holden loves his cousins.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Plaid Fun

A beautiful afternoon at the Ahwahnee, and a beautiful outfit for Holden.  I think he had fun.  We had fun sharing a bottle of Benzinger Syrah.  (Except for the pout before we left for 1 second.  You can't always get what you want, but if you cry sometimes, you just might find....).


Just proof to Holden later that his parents each voted in this 2012 election.  We voted for Obama, and yes on Prop 30 and 37 and 38 for Holden's future.