Friday, May 31, 2013

Last Weekend

Last weekend, we had everyone up from soul Cal for Meg and Tom's 10 year marriage anniversary.  Here are a couple of snapshots of Holden and the Gang.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Holde, We're Leavin Oakhurst!

That's what Grandma and Grandpa told us at the end of April.  So in the middle of the moth of May, we went down to help them pack and say goodbye.  Holden says "We love you grandma and grandpa. Miss you in Oakhurst, See you in Vegas, Baby!"

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pastime Club Members

Outakes.  On the drive to Big Sur Thursday, we stopped in downtown Merced for some tacos.  Then back in the car, Holden ate some sweet, little Teensy Fruits and it was a hot day (though air-conditioned in the car).  Right at Gustine, CA- as we turned to drive the 4 blocks through downtown- I looked in the mirror at the moment Holden threw it all back up onto the car seat, and himself.  We made a quick stop.  We cleaned everything up and I took off his clothes on the sidewalk in front of this bar, and let him run for a few minutes and breathe.  He felt good and had some water and we got some sweet pictures of the newest Pastime Club members.  Any age to join; 21 to drink.

San Simeon State Park

After Big Sur we drove down Hwy 1 and camped at San Simeon State Park for 2 nights.  It was  beautiful weather and mother's day weekend.  It was good to camp out and be near the ocean and see some sights.  We lunch in Cambria and old San Simeon.  On Sunday we drove through Paso Robles and had Mother's Day breakfast in the downtown square.  I managed to drive home this time without a speeding ticket.  Enjoy.

Big Sur

A wonderful evening spent in Big Sur at the Henry Miller Library seeing Nikki Bluhm and the Gramblers.  We stayed at the Ripplewood Resort once more, and we have come to like the little cabins.  They also have one of our favorites places for breakfast.  We were able to sit down on the steps of the cabin and get some of my favorite family pictures this time, and some good snapshots of Laura and of Holden.  The bottom two are called: kung-fu and symphony.  Enjoy.