Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September, Partly

Another great beginning to a poem, the words "September, partly..." about to convey a feeling of early autumn, of earlier evenings but cooler weather, of evening family strolls, etc.  Above are some photos from the first half of the month- soon we will be on vacation and then we will have more photos for the second half.  Enjoy.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lone Pine Campground

We camped at the Lone Pine Campground over Labor Day weekend.  Dad hiked the Mountaineers Route with Matt and Nick on Friday, while Holden ended up at the Bishop ER for breathing treatments.  While he was better, Holden still had a cold for the next week.  He loves camping, and we had all the Allards up- Grandma, Aunt Karen, Uncle Howard and Uncle Ralph.  Can't wait to go back!  Oh! the memories we will share!

Lone Pine, CA

Some snapshots of Holden in the good, old western town of Lone Pine, California back in the days before color.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


It begins early, and never leaves: housework.  Holden loves it though.  We'll bring up his willingness to help later in life!  Enjoy.