Monday, December 30, 2013

Visitor Center

Wandered downtown- no where to go but just to hang around.  Clowning around the visitor center on another beautiful fall day in November.

November Faces

The faces.  You gotta love it.

November Stroll

A walk in the park behind the clinic, and towards the lower Falls.  Holden believes in magic, and I can't believe that the first picture captured the acorn in the air- Magic!  In the bottom snapshot, Holden has '64 Bob Dylan hair and knows it.  Enjoy.


Once again, Holden says "Happy Owl-O-Ween".  The purple dino costume custom made by Grandma Aileen was a no-go, and too scary.  As a last minute fix we pulled out the costume from 2012 and Holden was happy.   My favorite part of several days was Holden walking outside and looking for "Mr. Bones" from the bottom snapshot.  He would often say "Mr. Bones fell down" whenever the skeleton fell off the branch.  Funny.

October Traintown, Continued

As New Year's approaches in 2 days, I need to make fast work of updating the blog while my memory is good.  Here is a few extra from Traintown during the end of October when we saw Jenny Lewis at the winery.